Integrated Production at Dolsol Citrus
Integrated production refers to the use of an agricultural production system that carries out sustainable agriculture, using techniques that are compatible with the protection of the environment and biological and chemical control methods. It is form of food production halfway between intensive or conventional agriculture and organic, however closer to the latter.
This system should be implemented for all the operations that involve manipulation, packaging, transformation and labelling of vegetable products, adapting ourselves to the demands of current society. These demands refer to the consumption of healthier and more natural food, while at the same time guaranteeing diversity of the ecosystem.
The philosophy behind the application of this production system is based on streamlining the use of agricultural inputs based on environmental, technical and economic criteria, with the objective of obtaining high quality production in response to the actual demand of the consumers. Nowadays the conservation of agrosystems, the reduction of contaminant use and guarantees in food safety are considered fundamental factors when determining the quality of agricultural products, thereby increasing the consumers trust to acquire them.
Integrated production is carried out with the use of natural regulation mechanisms, so much in the production process as well as the elaboration and transformation. A process that assures traceability from sowing to the moment it reaches the consumers table.
Objectives of integrated production
In summary, what is pursued with the implementation of integrated production?
• To foster diversity of the agricultural ecosystem.
• To promote the economic viability of agricultural holdings, since organic production entails phytosanitary applications of significant costs and a reduction of profits.
• To ensure the conservation of all natural resources.
• To satisfy the consumers’ demand for quality products and environmental respect.
Integrated production in the Valencian Community
Integrated production is regulated in Spain by the Royal Decree 1201/2002, of the 20th of November, but there are a series of specific regulations in the Valencian Community that all operators have to follow that adopt this system.
According to the Council of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecologic Transition; integrated production begins to develop in the autonomous community according to criteria of the 121/1995 Decree, of the 19th of June, regarding the evaluation of agricultural products obtained through integrated agricultural techniques. But also according to the 44/2010 Order, of the 14th of December, regarding the regulation of production obtained though integrated agricultural techniques and of the authorising conditions of the control and certification entities. Subsequently technical rules for different types of crop were published.